SMUD’s Shine Program Invests $580,000 in Local Projects
Apr 02, 2024 11:02AM ● By SMUD News Release
Local nonprofit leaders gather to celebrate SMUD’s 7th Annual Shine Awards. Photo courtesy of SMUD
SACRAMENTO, CA (MPG) - Twenty-nine local nonprofit organizations will benefit from more than $580,000 in funding from SMUD’s annual Shine program. The Shine program, now in its 7th year, is supporting nonprofit programs that engage communities across SMUD’s service area in an equitable transition to a clean energy future.
This year’s projects will increase access to clean energy/STEM education and support environmental justice and equity, zero carbon workforce development, habitat restoration and increased tree canopy, energy efficiency and electrification for nonprofits, inclusive economic development, youth entrepreneur development and job readiness programs and trainings for under-resourced community members.
“SMUD’s vision for a clean energy future is about much more than transforming our power plants, it’s about equitably transforming the communities we serve,” said SMUD CEO and General Manager Paul Lau. “The Clean PowerCity movement empowers our region’s households, businesses and diverse communities to help us reach and deliver our ambitious 2030 Zero Carbon Plan. From clean energy outreach and STEM lessons in classrooms, to neighborhood revitalization projects, workforce training in under-resourced communities and new apprentices, SMUD’s Shine program harnesses the determination and vision of local nonprofits, regional partners and the communities we serve and supports them in making meaningful change that will benefit the entire region for generations to come.”
This year, 112 community members participated in program education sessions, 148 community members participated in technical assistance sessions and 84 organizations moved forward and submitted applications in the competitive award process. Per Shine requirements, SMUD’s investments are matched by the recipient for maximum impact.
The 29 selected nonprofits include American River Parkway Foundation; Asian Resources, Inc.; Associated General Contractors Construction Education Foundation (AGC CEF); Carmichael Improvement District; Center for Land-Based Learning; City of Trees Foundation; CLEANSTART, Inc.; Folsom Historic Society; Franklin Blvd Business Association; Freedom Through Education; Fulton El Camino Recreation and Park District; Futures Explored; Health Education Council; HumanBulb; Interns2Pros; Iranian American Culture & Education; Kiwanis Club of Rancho Cordova Foundation; Lion's Roar Dharma Center; National Academic Youth Council DBA Sojourner Truth African Heritage Museum; NeighborWorks Sacramento; ReImagine Mack Road Partnership; Sacramento Children's Museum; Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services; ShopClass; Soil Born Farms; Square Root Academy; Sunshine Food Pantry and Resource Center; The Salvation Army; Voices of Youth.
SMUD will take an active role in monitoring performance and progress of each project.
Shine awards range from $5,000 to $100,000. Any nonprofit organization within SMUD’s service area is eligible to apply. Shine awards are available at three funding levels: Spark (up to $10,000), Amplifier (up to $50,000) and Transformer (up to $100,000).
For more information about the SMUD Shine program, visit