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Orangevale Sun

SAFE Grants $15,000 to Program Dedicated to Preventing Falls

Apr 09, 2024 04:20PM ● By SAFE Credit Union News Release

FOLSOM, CA (MPG) - A $15,000 community grant awarded by SAFE Credit Union is aiding many residents in the Sacramento region to live safer and fuller lives.

The credit union recently awarded the funds to Rebuilding Together Sacramento’s Safe at Home program dedicated to preventing seniors and those with disabilities from experiencing falls at home. The program’s volunteers and staff build and install free safety improvements to the homes of qualifying area residents including ramps, railings and grab bars.

“We have an aging population in the Sacramento area that are finding it harder and harder to do the things they love. Much of that is because they can’t get in and out of their homes safely,” says Rebuilding Together Sacramento Executive Director Bonnie Patterson. “Donors like SAFE Credit Union allow us to help more and more people. We are very, very thankful to have received this grant.”

In 2023, Safe at Home volunteers and staff helped 623 area individuals in 400 homes in El Dorado, Sacramento, San Joaquin counties and in West Sacramento.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, one in four older adults over 65 experienced a fall in 2020 – equating to an average of 3 million subsequent visits to emergency rooms each year. The CDC also reports that at least one out of five falls can cause serious injuries resulting in adverse quality of life situations for patients, including difficulty getting around, doing everyday activities, and living independently.

“SAFE Credit Union has a long history of helping improve the health of residents through philanthropy in the communities we serve,” says SAFE Credit Union Vice President of Community Relations and Financial Education Rebecca Delmundo. “This grant exemplifies that, and we are so glad to have been able to support such a time-tested nonprofit.”

Founded in 1991, Rebuilding Together Sacramento works to fill the need and enhance affordable housing for older adults and those with disabilities. Along with its Safe at Home program, the nonprofit works with partners to revitalize neighborhoods and reduce energy costs for seniors, as well as works individually with families and children through their programs in addition to seniors and those with disabilities.

“If you go in and install a handrail or a grab bar, a lot of times the folks are just so grateful and so thankful and are just delightful people,” says Safe at Home volunteer Dan Ward of Carmichael. “It’s good just helping folks out.”

Volunteer Stan Jones of the Greenhaven-Pocket area says he has put in hundreds of grab bars in the 12 years he’s worked as a volunteer. “The clients are very grateful for the help that they receive, and our work prevents falls,” Jones says.

Rebuilding Together Sacramento’s grant was one of two grants selected by a public vote to receive $15,000. Foster Youth Education Fund also received a $15,000 grant for its program supporting former foster youth in the Sacramento region with financial scholarships, as well as laptops for students enrolling or attending a college, university or trade school.

SAFE provides grant funding in four cycles each year, including financial literacy. For more information on the latest cycle’s focus and application click here or visit:

To find out more about Rebuilding Together Sacramento or to volunteer, visit: